Frank Martin is the author or co-author of over twenty-five books, including the recently released The Right One, co-authored with Jimmy Evans. He is a frequent collaborator, having written with numerous notables, including Nicky Cruz, Jerry Jenkins, Tim LaHaye, Jim Stump, Dr. James Dobson, Mike Trout, and Wally Armstrong.
Among Frank's recently released books are, The Right One (co-authored with Jimmy Evans, MarriageToday), Blending Families (co-authored with Jimmy Evans, MarriageToday), Lifelong Love Affair (with Jimmy Evans, Baker Books), When Life Hurts (with Jimmy Evans, Baker Books), Furious Pursuit: Why God Will Never Let You Go (2006, Waterbrook Press), 99 Ways to Increase Your Income (2009, Waterbrook Press), Embracing Eternity (with Jerry Jenkins & Tim Lahaye, 2005, Tyndale House), The Kid-Friendly Dad (IVP), War In The Pews (IVP), Heart of a Golfer (with Wally Armstrong, Zondervan), One Holy Fire (with Nicky Cruz, Waterbook Press), Soul Obsession (With Nicky Cruz, Waterbrook Press), and Emily’s Bracelet, (written with his daughter, Kandilyn, 2005, David C. Cook). Emily’s Bracelet was a 2005 Gold Medallion Award finalist.
In 2013, Frank served as a contributing writer for the New Men’s NIV Devotional Bible (Zondervan Press).
Frank has written for numerous Christian trade publications, including Discipleship Journal, Marriage Partnership, Evangelizing Today’s Child, UpReach, Image, One Voice and Pray magazines.
Frank also served for eighteen years as a Family Commentary writer for Focus on the Family, writing radio and television commentaries for Dr. James Dobson, Dr. Walt Larimore, and Dr. Bill Maier.
Frank is an avid motorcyclist and fly fisherman. He is co-publisher and managing editor of High Country Angler magazine, the premier fly fishing magazine of the Rocky Mountain region ( He and his wife Ruthie have two grown children and two awesome grandchildren. He and Ruthie live in Colorado Springs, Colorado.