
Frank Faith, Uncategorized 5 Comments

A few days ago Joe Biden whispered the “F” word into Obama’s ear during a press conference and the microphones picked it up. The press has been playing the clip ever since, mostly as a tongue-in-cheek news story. No one seems surprised that Biden would use this kind of language, including me, just a little shocked that he would do …


Frank Christian Walk, Faith, Jesus 8 Comments

There is a young paraplegic boy who attends our church. He lives his life in a wheelchair. Black and brown straps hold him tightly in place, keeping him from sliding out onto the floor. There are straps around his chest and legs and arms, even around his forehead. I once found myself wondering how uncomfortable that must be, but then …


Frank Faith, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Writing is a strange profession. And it’s not always as noble as we writers like to think. On the one hand, the process of writing is hard and grueling and cumbersome. It can be frustrating to the point of insanity—especially for those of us who agonize over words the way a Swiss watchmaker might agonize over a fine timepiece, or …